Our Family Photo Shoot

November 17, 2017

Our Family Photography Session

at The Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix Arizona

Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix

It's that time of the year in Phoenix, when temperatures drop down to 80 degrees, and families schedule their portraits.  This is also the time for engagements, weddings, graduation pictures, and family reunions.  It's my favorite time of the year, but certainly busy from now until June, when temperatures return to the 100's again. 

I got wrapped up in the spirit of the season and decided to attempt our family portraits now as well.   Brooke from the Japanese Friendship Garden said that we could have the garden to ourselves in three days time, so I took that as a sign that it's now or never.  Three days was not much time to prepare, but I knew this would be worth the effort. 

First, I quickly scheduled hair appointments for us at the Drybar in Scottsdale Quarter.  There was no time to shop for new clothes, but we have plenty to wear.  We threw the clothes on the bed to see if we were color coordinated, and we decided that we were ready.  My only mistake was that I didn't take time to prepare my equipment for our session.  I am ALWAYS prepared, but, for us, I thought I could just throw everything in the trunk and go.

Needless to say, nothing went according to plan.  We arrived late, as we had to stop for gas and refreshments on the way there.  I truly don't know how my clients make it on time for every session with me!  My husband kept reassuring me that we would have plenty of time, but I wanted time to set up.  Once we arrived, I realized I was missing two very important pieces of equipment for the shoot.  The sun was going down quickly, and I panicked.  All this time and effort in getting ready, and I felt like I let my family down.  Thank goodness for Robby, our guide at the Japanese Friendship Garden, who offered to help fill in what my missing equipment was supposed to do.  

Without further ado, here are a few of our favorite images from the shoot.  Technically...not my best work.  But, what matters is that we made the effort to set aside one afternoon to come together and celebrate us as a family.  I hope our girls will always remember that we took the time because we are important to each other.   

And, as stressful as it was at first, we had fun together and we made a great family day out of it.  I hope you take the time to celebrate your family and schedule a family session, if you haven't already.  Of course, I hope it is with me!  And, I promise, I will be prepared for you, and it will never be stressful.    

Thanks for stopping by!

Monika Cheang

XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix XM5A0680Japanese Friendship Garden in Phoenix

Monika Cheang Photography, LLC.

Call to schedule a photography session:  480-229-6252


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