Family Portraits 2015I wrote this blog post last December, and I can't help but post it again because it is SO important. Family comes first, so take time to capture the any time of the year. Here is a video of just a few of my favorite families I was lucky enough to capture from this 2015 season. From my family to yours, Happy New Year! May 2016 bring you lots of pictures!
December, 2014: The other day I heard on NPR News that Holiday Cards are dying due to social media. According to the broadcasters, it takes way too much effort to get the family together for a photo just for an annual photo card. They argued that it takes way too much time and effort to locate everyone's current address, to stamp the card, lick the envelope, and mail it out. But, is a family photo really just about the card? Coming from a counseling background, I think it does matter that families take the time to schedule a family photo session. It is not just about the final product, but the process of getting there. It takes thoughtfulness to plan on what to wear as a family, and to take the time to pick the location and style of the session that best represents who you are as a unit. That photo session together is not just for an annual card to say, "this is what we look like right now." Family portraits are just as much about the process of spending that time together to say that we matter enough to take the time and capture who we are as a family. I have no doubt this annual ritual of family pictures bonds families and creates lasting memories. My own family knows that if there is a family photo opportunity, we are there and ready to pose. I hope you take the time to take your family pictures, because whether you choose to send a Holiday card of not, family portraits do matter. Here are a few of the latest and greatest families I had the privilege to capture. I hope you enjoy this video in honor of all families out there.
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